Saturday, October 22, 2011

Oktoberfest 2011

2011 brought us back to Oktoberfest for Kim’s second time and Rob’s countless number of times! Unlike last year where the weather was completely awful, this trip afforded us almost perfect weather! The sun was shining the entire time and it definitely made the experience of sitting in the rain like a drowned rat, drinking a beer Kim didn’t even like, pale in comparison.

Sometimes even your best laid plans of being prepared can go awry, and this year they went amiss in the shoe department. Kim went out and bought the perfect pair of black flats to wear with her dirndl this year, only to find out after sightseeing in them for several hours, the shoes looked prettier in the box than they felt on her feet. She was in crippling pain from the shoes cutting into the back of her heels and her little toes. Ouch! Those shoes went back in the box with only one other choice -- buy new shoes the next morning!

After a quick Starbucks, Kim went out to find ANOTHER pair of shoes. She found herself back in the same shop she purchased shoes in last year. Unfortunately, the sizing in the US and Europe is different and she didn’t know what size would fit. The shoes felt fine on, but after walking in them for an hour or so, they ended up being too big and she was practically walking out of them. Nothing a little tissue (or a random coffee filter courtesy of Michelle) can’t fix!

Michelle and Kim representing the American contingent

This year Kim actually found a beer she somewhat liked: Paulaner. Sadly this is not the beer that Rob and his friends guzzle by the gallon, but at least it’s a beer – and that’s progress! The beer is a bit (more than a bit) stronger than what we have in the US and taking a crossbow and trying to aim at some targets under the influence isn’t necessarily something which is easy to do. But somehow, some way, Kim was able to snag a hat for her pitiful showing one evening after they visited the Hippodrom before it closed.  Again, like last year, the Hippodrom has the best atmosphere and to Kim is what the Oktoberfest is all about. Maybe next year she will get lucky and get a seat at a table!

Kim with Gabi, our Waitress at the Paulaner Tent

Alan, Barry and Rob enjoying a "few" beers at the Augustiner Braeu!
2011 also marked the year that all three Meehan boys were together under one “tent”, so to speak, to participate in the beer drinking festivities. Alan’s wife, Christine, even managed to make a showing and was definitely liking any of the beers put in front of her. Her mission next year? To get her own dirndl! 

Without the rain turning the Oktoberfest into long, cold, wet and miserable days, the sunshine made it speed up and hurry itself along and it was over before you knew it and we were off to visit our next stop: Venice!

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